(Slipping this one in the side door… Wait for it… Wait for it… )
melancholy: mournful; depressed; a gloomy state of mind, esp. when habitual or prolonged; depression.
Warning: this is an off-beat, hard left turn in response to an unrelated situation that reminded me that I once knew a guy (I won’t call him a pastor, although he called himself that) objected to the following song as “melancholy,” sad, depressing.
Ah, as a “pastor,” he probably was referring to the lyrics, though, since they don’t imply but strongly and unequivocally state a joyous, thrilling response to the presence of a loving God… Melancholy, depressing thought indeed.
Just so, whenever people just plain flat ignore commonsense reasoning and facts about anything, I’m somehow reminded of this “pastor” whose objection to the above song was based on absolutely nothing inherent in the piece itself. His objections, IMO, were entirely based on his own desires to avoid the clear, unequivocal meaning and intent of the piece. So it is with darned near anyone who has more active brain cells than a head of cabbage and who at the same time utters plain nonsense, ignoring all known (to them) facts as an “argument” against something they refuse to… argue against.
Contemporary example that strangely spurred the memory above? Juan Mexicain’s handlers put out an add (correctly, IMO) suggesting The Obamassiah is an empty suit whose proposals for our current energy situation make no sense whatsoever. In reaction, instead of arguing his “proposals” (higher energy taxes, mandating lower fuel consumption, pie-in-the-sky “new energy sources” w/o oil–HOW are these things better in relieving the price at the pump? [Answer: Not at all.] Forceful assertion and boring repetition is not an argument, Obamassiah), The Obamassiah and his ‘botheads chime in with essentially, “Nanny, nanny, boo, boo, RACE CARD, nanny, nanny, boo, boo.”
No substance whatsoever. Nada, zero, zip, zilch.
I’m no fan of Juan Mexicain, as anyone who’s read more than one post @twc recently can probably tell, but The Obamassiah’s objections to the recent Juan Mexicain ad are as nonsensical–and revealing of character–as the above (unnamed) “pastor’s” objection to the song embedded in this post was. Neither have any relationship with reality, and both arrogantly assume that any listener is too stupid or cowed or in their pocket to throw a bullshit flag on their play.
Consider the bullshit flag thrown on the Obamassiah’s race card play.
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Haloscan sucks bigtime! I have been sending trackbacks for weeks now, yet no one is receiving them. I’ve even tried Wizbang’s Tech, but I get the same result. Okay, I’ll stop *itching.
How are you? I’m well. Hey, tb’s do control my WHOLE life. (Just a portion of it. lol) Have a blessed day. ๐
Was that a fraudian slip? No. I always forget a word like NOT when I type too fast. It goes right after ‘Tb’s do NOT control…’
I knew what you intended, Rosemary. But, “fraudian slip”? Was that a Freudian slip? *LOL* (That Freud was a fraud is no longer in dispute among rational, honest people.)