Some days, I mourn for a once-sharp mind and able body. *heh* Already this morning I have:
- lost my hat (it was on my head)
- been unable to find my glasses (they were where I put them, but I couldn’t see that without my glasses, now could I?)
- lost my coffee cup (with warm coffee still to drink–and yeh, it was where I’d put it, no gremlin-coffee-hiders stalking me)
- and something else I forget… *heh*
Ain’t life grand?
Need. More. Coffee. (Now, where’d I put my cup?)
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You are hilarious. LOL. Maybe if yourself more time to wake-up? π
*sigh* Maybeso. But maybe, just maybe, I need to pack it in earlier and get more sleep… Hmmm, that’s quite a concept.
I hate to say it, but from personal experience, the brain fog gets worse and you get older.
sigh..memory..whats a memory? ha π