Alan Woody has sent me another “must read” that I can heartily recommend. Click here for more of this:
…here’s the imagery I want to paint for you. Think of us as a sailboat, politics as a sailboat. ‘Cause it’s not a motorboat ‘cause there’s not enough power. You’re always subject to the wind and the sea, and underneath us in the ocean is the equivalent of the Gulf Stream, this enormous river of water which is so huge that it actually warms all of Europe. And the Gulf Stream is a center right Gulf Stream and so it’s natural pattern is to move the country towards the right.
But up on the surface where our sailboat is, all of the wind comes from the left. So all the news media gets up every morning and says, “How can I shove the sailboat to the left?†And unless you are really disciplined as Ronald Reagan was, you can’t remember that all you have to do is tack. You can sail into the wind as long as you tack, but also if you drop a sea anchor down to that huge river, the river will pull you to the right.
There’s a meta-lesson here, as well: listen to and learn from folks who are smarter than you are. Read the material at the link and I think you’ll agree that the speaker is certainly smarter than I am… and probably smarter than you are, too. 🙂 As politicians *spit* go, he seems one of the very best of that bad breed.
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listen to and learn from folks who are smarter than you are.
ok thats why I’m here…oh that why you read my
posts..I mean errr..’rants’?
Keep up the good fight David! 🙂