T-13, 1.3

From youth to what now feels like semi-senescence *heh*, I’ve held a variety of jobs. So? Here’re 13 of them, in no particular order. I could have included a number of others–including ditch digger–though I never had to do exactly what Tennessee Ernie Ford sang about in “Sixteen Tons”. 😉

1. Pocket presser.

2. Broom-pusher & toilet swabby.

3. Chess tutor.

4. Voice coach.

5. School bus driver.

6. Youth minister

7. Music director.

8. Pizza delivery.

9. Newspaper delivery (route).

10. Bit Bucket Tuner.

11. School teacher.

12. Silk screener for ad art.

13. Insurance agent.

Linked to the Thursday Thirteen “hub” post for this week.

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