Update: Voting Closed on the “normal” categories last night. Check Lyn’s Bloggin’ Outloud (link on graphic below) for info on voting extensions for that category where voting has not closed.
This post will remain on top for a couple more days Unstickied, now…. and still open for trackbacks during that time. [Closed to further trackbacks, now]
This post will be On Top through the close of voting on July 27. You may consider this as an Open Trackback post through Thursday this week. But DO vote in comments (Oops! Didn’t edit this reference out earlier when I finally included the blogpoll graphic/voting thingy. DID catch the votes, though.) on which blog should be considered THE Political Blog of Summer 2006.
N.B. When email time lag with Lyn works its way through, I’ll probably amend this post.
Lyn’s final list of Finalists *heh*:
Adam’s Blog
Belle of the Brawl
Chicago Ray
Little Miss Chatterbox
Outlaw Republican
I'll still make sure any "prevotes" get counted. Somehow, someway.
And do CLICK on the graphic above to visit Bloggin' Outloud in order to visit the other category sponsors!
All those nominated in the political blogs category. Visit 'em all:
As I said, this is also an open trackback post open all through the Blogs of Summer polling. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

I’d like to cast my vote for Belle of the Brawl for best political
Happy Monday:)
Check for the blogpoll javascript coming your way.
We’ll use that to vote, so when you get the chance
post that in this entry. Thanks for your hard work!
So, don’t vote via comments or email?
Correct, don’t vote via comments. The Blogpoll thingy
must be working now. Well, off and on, but it is
accepting votes and tallying the results. You can
vote once per ISP (maybe daily?) – so it’ll let you
know if you’ve already voted. Thanks for your help!
The voting script is working now 🙂
Go Belle!
Hi Lyn
I tried voting for Sar, Belle of the Brawl,(big surprise, I know) don’t think it took–see your instructions to Doug–will try again
I would like my vote to go for Adam’s blog!
You need to fix that poll so it only accepts one vote per person you know…
I tried to vote for Outlaw Republican, and got an error message saying it couldn’t connect to the server.
This is so typical. The conservative vote is split between several blogs so the liberal blog will probably win.
amen Beth
I came to yours from Bloggs os Summer and say hello from Norway! I’m glad I did beacouse you really have a nice blog and I’ll be back for sure:-)