This is Monday’s open trackback post. Link to this post and then track back. If you want to host your own linkfests, check out

Also note the other fine blogs featuring linkfests at Linkfest Haven.

I’ll be back later today with more. Hit me with your best shot.
Update: Barb, at Tidbits and Treasures commented that the Whizbang! trackback facility is burping when she tries to track back here. I’ve noticed it does that sometimes, which is why when I don’t use the built in WordPress trackback feature, I use haloscan. Meanwhile, her post, “Houston police and the federal Transportation Security Administration at odds” deals with a subject that really should remain on top. The Thousands Standing Around really are doing little of any real worth. IMO, the TSa is just a “full employment for idiots, goons and bullies” program whose real mission is derived from the principle “When a stupid man does something he knows is wrong, he always claims it is his duty.”
Update to the update: *sigh* I’d just written the above update and was about to save it when… power outage and the UPS on this machine squealed and suddenly died. All better (and with a new UPS) now. (Yeh, I can still replace the battery in the old one, but not ——> NOW. 🙂
I’m having a problem with Wizbang – tells me I’m pinging too quickly – did it on my very first ping.
I’ve trackbacked to this post here: