Ya think I should send this email?

I hate it when people impose their stupidity on me. Here’s a dipwad that’s a prime example, and the email I have sitting in my outbox awaiting my CLICK of the “send” button…

[Oh, I’m not the list administrator, so I’ve substituted “XXXX” for the list name below)

From: me
To: rleamer@greenhills.net (yeh, the idiot’s real email address)

Note: the below is in response to your unconscionably lazy, stupid and inconsiderate behavior:

Ya know, I have developed a distaste, over the past 15 years or so, for people who are too lazy to unsubscribe from lists according to published protocols. I try to be as nice about it as I can be, but cluttering up MY mailbox with your assinine request to be removed when there’s a perfectly good PRESCRIBED METHOD for removing yourself IN THE FOOTER OF EVERY LISTMAIL YOU’VE RECIEVED is simply evidence of your cluelessness, laziness or complete disregard for any kind of polite discourse whatsoever.

Or all three.

Please use the proper method to unsubscribe yourself. Read through the mesage below, quoting YOUR OWN EMAIL, sent through the listserver showing you EXACTLY how to unsubscribe.

Sending an email to the entire list is not, repeat NOT the way to do it, as anyone with two active brain cells can easily tell.

Now, you think you can get it right?

(I doubt it.)

Feel bad, puppy? Next time, use some sense. or if you have none, ask someone who has some to do your “thinking” for you.


On Fri, 03 Mar 2006 22:53:46 -0600, Richard Leamer wrote:

> Please remove me from your email list.
> Visit your group “XXXX” on the web.
> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:
> XXXX-unsubscribe@yahoogroups.com
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

So, hit the “send” button or not? What’s your vote?

I should note that gentle pointers to such clueless idiots in the past have usually netted hate mail, anyway, so I thought it’d not get any worse if I simply spoke bluntly. Different strokes: you may disagree.

Polling the public at TMH’s Bacon Bits

8 Replies to “Ya think I should send this email?”

  1. TMH votes NO — it was far too satisfying for you to post that on yer blog.
    What’s the sense in sending it now?
    Besides, it would be too unkind to actually send it. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Sooo, TMH, I should just send the moron the link to this post?


    (Actually, I hope some spambot harvests his email, since it’s posted in the clear… )

  3. *”SEND!”*

    Then, just to be sure, send it two more times–perhaps even six more.

    [Course, ya knowed I’d probably say that.]

    Oh yes, three for balance or seven for completeness.

  4. If ya wanna stoop to that level and lower your dignity then sure
    send it. If ya wanna stay cultured and kind…no need to dog
    anyone. Just state your needs like a “gentleman” and let the dude “just be”
    You’ll feel better about who u are inna mornin.
    If not..then mebbe the followin mornin..but hey buddy
    good venting!..Heh

  5. Frankly, David,

    [You be Frank; I’ll be Ernest (or vice versa)]

    My post above was to help stir the pot. Doubt it’ll make any difference whatsoever whether you “send” or “ignore.”

    You and I share membership on at least one yahoo discussion group. Never has it made any difference for the “stupids” who have absolutely no ability (or, are too ignorant) to read and follow directions–no matter how much “alphabet soup” they can add after their signature. PHDs can be the worst of the lot!

    Just “mash” (a really good southern usage of the word) the “DELETE” key.

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